Deploy django on ubuntu vps | Deploy python django on server | Make live your python app In ubuntu server | django on server
Hey everyone Let's start with to be continued topic here that how we can deploy python django apps in ubuntu vps.. So let's start So before that if you dont know how to setup a ubuntu server please click here to check out.. So after setting up server now the time to setup django on ubuntu. Before that let's recall what we have done. We have installed apachec, php, mysql, python and pip too..👍 Great.. Now the time is to install django. So for that we can simply move on to a location that is cd /var/www Then let's create a folder for storing our project file. sudo mkdir djangoproject Install virtual environments using pip3 and activate it. sudo pip3 install virtualenv virtualenv djangoproj source djangoproj/bin/activate Then create a Django project inside virtualenv django-admin startproject djangoproj . I have given "." here that all the files will be extracted there only otherwise it will create a new folder again with the same ...