Data Types and Structures String List Dictionary Set File Handling File File and Directory Management Programming Fundamentals General Type Conversion Mathematical Functions Functional Programming Functional Programming Tools Decorators and Metaprogramming Comprehensions Input and Output Input and Output Command-Line Arguments Object-Oriented Programming Class and Object Related Class and Instance Utilities Import and Module Management Exception Handling Exception Handling Exception Handling and Debugging Iterables and Generators Working with Iterables Iterators and Generators Advanced Python ...
Audio is a very complex item to understand for a machine and nowadays audio-related activity in AI is highly used in the market so we can say it can be really a useful and knowledge full article. As we are data scientists, we know feature extraction is a significant activity in almost all machine learning activities. So in this article, we will talk about this feature extraction techniques audio/speech Speech contains frequency from 0 to 5khz if The objective of automatic speaker recognition is to extract, characterize and recognize the information about speaker identity. --> Speech recognition system contains two main modules: Feature Matching Feature Extraction FEATURE MATCHING It is the procedure to identify the unknown speaker by comparing extracted features from his/her voice input with the ones from a set of known speakers. Now let us see about feature extraction in a precise manner. FEATURE EXTRACTION Extract a small amount of data from the voice signal that can b...
Hey everyone Let's start with to be continued topic here that how we can deploy python django apps in ubuntu vps.. So let's start So before that if you dont know how to setup a ubuntu server please click here to check out.. So after setting up server now the time to setup django on ubuntu. Before that let's recall what we have done. We have installed apachec, php, mysql, python and pip too..👍 Great.. Now the time is to install django. So for that we can simply move on to a location that is cd /var/www Then let's create a folder for storing our project file. sudo mkdir djangoproject Install virtual environments using pip3 and activate it. sudo pip3 install virtualenv virtualenv djangoproj source djangoproj/bin/activate Then create a Django project inside virtualenv django-admin startproject djangoproj . I have given "." here that all the files will be extracted there only otherwise it will create a new folder again with the same ...
Dataiku Introduction: - Dataiku DSS (Data science studio) is an AI platform that enables Data professionals to work collaboratively to design, Develop, Deploy, and manage their Data Applications. Dataiku was founded by Florian Douetteau Clément Stenac Marc Batty Thomas Cabrol in 2013 in Paris, France and after rapid growth in 2015 they established in the US. Dataiku Has more than 90 features which we will be discussing in the upcoming article. Dataiku Key Terms: - In this article, we will go through the most important Terms used in Dataiku and will have a better idea about Dataiku DSS Design Homepage: - After login to the Dataiku page you will be landed on the Dataiku homepage where you can see the list of projects, workspaces, folders, Here you can create folders, projects, workspaces, applications, wikis, etc., and manage them. Here you can see the application menu, where you can see all the links of instance level elements and you can access them. Also, you can see a search bar...
Let's make ready server for deployment in python. so in this topic we are going to setup a server and make ready for python deployment. So there is a lot of method is available to deploy a python those things also we will discuss in this section but basically i am going to discuss deploy using apache and wsgi. Before that if you dont know about vps and you want to know it then Click here to check my previous blog where i have discussed about types of servers. Ok so the methods to make your application live or make visible to public there is multiple methods is there available like 1. you can run your application and make your laptop live/make your laptop as your own server, 2. use any other device like raspberry pi or arduino any kind of micro controller and run your application there and make port forwarding in your router and make your application live. and if you want to know more then comment in the comment box and ...
Python is a high-level programming language and now it is a hot topic in the market because of the booming technology called Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, python is not became limited here it has expanded its area in creating desktop GUI applications , web applications and also in the field of web development. So, Now in this topic we are going to discuss about some of the great techniques which make python popular in the field of web development. That is called as Framework. Ok so let's dive into the topic FRAMEWORK. Contents: - What is Framework? Use/Operations of Frameworks: - Advantages of Framework: - Top 5 Framework in python: - What is Framework ? ...
Table of Contents:- Intro to Edge computing Why Edge Computing come to the market Definitions Of Edge Computing Edge computing in AI How Edge computing helps in AI How AI helps to Edge Why Edge-AI is important Why we should use Edge for AI Implementation in Edge-AI Conclusion in my point of view. Edge is buzzword like IOT and AI. Edge means a layer or a limit. In the earlier when there was no cloud computing there we need to do all the operation in a linux machine that was our server and after that we started to use cloud computing which is very much efficient and very much powerful also, But now, there is very less to improve in cloud computing and that makes edge computing to came into market. Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the location of the device. Edge computing originated from content delivery networks . Now, companies use virtualization to extend the capabilities for that edge computing can be ...
Parsing resume and to extract data from the resume is really a tough work for the recruiter or whoever want to extract some useful information from the text document here in this blog, Basically, we are going to more focus on the summarization of resume. Resumes are a great example of unstructured data and it has its own style and format to preprocess data it will take a really good amount of time its obvious . and also this is really tough task to extract information from this type of document for a human. so now our task is to build a model that will extract useful information automatically. Automate resume parsing using Spacy and NLTK Spacy is an opensource powerful python package in NLP for doing various NLP tasks. This library is published by Matthew Honnibal and Ines Monstani under MIT license. So, what are the features of it? Spacy is the one-stop for usual task in NLP project. The features are: - Tokenization Lemmatization Part-of-speech tagging Entity reco...
Overview: - Basic of Speech Recognition. Basic of NLP. How it is related to Speech recognition. Some of the techniques in Speech Recognition. Some of the challenges. Speech Recognition: - Speech recognition is a technique which is highly demanding in the market. There are a lot of companies are trying to adopt speech recognition techniques into their product to compete with today’s market (for example: — Ok Google, Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa) But how much we know about speech recognition? Speech recognition is a technique or we can say it as software which has capable of recognizing the speech/voice that human says. it can be in any language that is already been in the solution. Speech recognition is the solution where it’s taking the voice input and doing some use full tasks for us. How it works: - When speech recognition takes a voice input first it tries to make it into a number of tokens as we are doing in texts, By splitting the voice input after making token it will try t...
Hey, everyone before going to start with VPS server let's look into what is servers.?. In this article we will look into what is cloud and servers and different types of servers. Contents: - What is server ? What is cloud ? Types of server. What is server.? Now a days server is not just being a technology it became an essential part when we are going to deal with technology. So basically what is that server. ? So first you should understand server is nothing else it is a computer as like our local computer. and it has specialties that even if its like a local computer still multiple clients can able to connect to the server using different methods and protocols. such as: - --> SSH(secure shell) - also it known as secure shell because only we can able to connect with server if we have user id , password or a p...
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